
Hello and welcome to the 45 YEARS ANNIVERSARY of Bodo Schopf

In October 2022 I will celebrate my 45th anniversary as a professional musician on the road. Thats why I am very proud to present you my new CD with the fantastic singer TIM PITCHFORD from Australia and the extraordinary guitarist LAKI RAGAZAS from Greece which was also a member of my Band Pendulum of Fortune.

You vcan look forward to three groovy, burning and emotinal instrumentals and seven vocal tracks with outstanding performance by the singer TIM PITCHFORD.

The music roams a bit trough the time of my career as well as the lyrics of the songs, which is why I gave the production the name of "STORMY DAYS"

The package can be ordered via the link to the shop. delivery is from December first twenty two, shipping is worldwide.


45 years rolling on the road

In October 2022 I will celebrate my 45th anniversary as a professional musician on the road.

I have been playing music since I was 5 years old. Music is my passion and fills my life with love, that's why I decided to make music my life when I was 17 years old, and I was very lucky to get the chance to work with many famous artists.

In the past 2 years I have written, produced and now released 10 songs on a CD and soon as a digital download product worldwide.

I am very proud to present on my CD the fantastic singer Tim Pitchford from Australia and the extraordinary guitarist Laki Ragazas from Greece.

You can look forward to 3 groovy, burning and emotional instrumentals and 7 vocal tracks with an extraordinary performance by the singer Tim Pitchford.

The music roams a bit through the time of my career as well as the lyrics of the songs, the production is titled

"Stormy Days"

Via my website www.bodoschopf.com you can purchase the anniversary package with 1 CD, 1 pair of signature sticks, in which you feel my beats and fills resonate, as well as 1 key ring in the shop, shipping is of course possible worldwide.

Furthermore there will be different merchandising articles like t-shirts, hoodies, caps.... and much more. I invite you to rummage around in my shop and have a look at the articles and if you like them you can of course order them easily.

Still I am still writing on my book „45 years rolling on the road“ and I expect to publish it in December, it will be available in digital form for download in German and English, with many photos, with many live impressions, emotional moments, rolling on the road.

At this point I would like to thank you for your support over the many years, even decades, with a rocking THANK YOU.

I wish you much joy with my music and my products. Please let your neighbors know that this CD rocks, crank it up and let the earth shake.

Music will never die.

Love and peace
